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MBD and not eating

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:14 pm
by winniesmom77
Hello I Have a 4 1/2 yr old female gray and she has just recently been diagnosed with MBD she is making progress sorta She is moving around and very alert when I bring her outside in her sunning cage, However when I bring her in all she wants to do is sleep ,
She will not eat ANYTHING AT ALL and hasnt all week,
I have been giving her fox valley 20 50 with the extra calcium dosage 4 times a day force feeding her with a syringe and miracle nipple and forcing her the same way to get her to drink water in between.
She is also getting her appropriate dose of infant motrin every 6 to 8 hours .
She will not eat or drink anything
I have e offered her fresh Henry's blocks the picky formula
Fresh veggies
I even tried to make her calcium balls with both peanutbutter and cashew butter I even tried both ways with honey
Today I ground up her favorite thing ever walnuts and made a powder and added honey and calcium to that again nope .
I then took that and ground up some Henry's picky blocks and added that and made balls still nope.

She acts like a different squirrel in her sunning cage outside then when she is inside.
Is this all part of her MBD ? Any tips and tricks to get her to eat so I can stop forcing her with a syringe?
I will also attach a video from this morning in her sun cage . She threw all her veggies around and even tossed the dish like she was having a fit. But she is active outside and a different girl the second I bring her in all she wants is her bed.

Link to video...

Re: MBD and not eating

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 10:50 pm
by Skippy
Follow the MBD protocol to the letter. It will take MONTHS to rebuild bone density. Guaranteed she’s not gonna like it BUT, down the road you’ll have a healthy squirrel. Don’t get sucked in by those pleading eyes and snit fits. Don’t think poor baby will starve. She won’t. A healthy block and greens are what she needs. Anything less and your baby is condemned to poor health and an early end.